Chad Degroot

How is life in 2010' Chad Degroot?
Life is really good. Have a ton of changes only for the better in 2010. My little boy is getting old enough to go on bike rides. My daughter is almost ready to walk. The wife isn't pregnant anymore. Deco is about to drop everything in the next month. And my shop is doing way better than I could have imagined with only being open for a few months. So YES, life is great...

It seems that you are still getting a lot of street and park riding done. I just saw the first Deco edit with Tom, Dave, and yourself, I wonder if you are still riding flat often, or what the deal is there?
I don't ride nearly as much as I would like to. Try juggling the family, two businesses, and the day to day with everything in between. My flat riding has been in spurts. But truthfully I was really worried the first time I took a few weeks off. But then I just started back where I left off. So it mentally doesn't bother me taking breaks. The next edit to come out for Deco is just me, and the ender is a flat link that I wanted to film for over a few years. So the link is really old, but I never got it on tape. So now I can let that one go and claim it as captured. Feels good to get some flat on tape. Thanks for the compliment on the new edit, Dave and Tom are amazing riders and are worthy of the Deco family for sure....

In that Deco edit, I saw some fakie nose-manuals, wall-rides, some log stalls, pole rides, etc... I think that it all looks like just another day for you, even though all of this stuff is pretty unorthodox and really creative. So when you are riding, are you thinking about doing stuff that other riders are not doing, or are you just filming whatever happens?
My trick list-to-do is pretty long. When I find the right set up the tricks just come to mind. Truthfully those tricks in that edit are some filler stuff cause I am saving a lot for the next edit. But I didn't want to NOT be a part of the welcome to the team edit, much less the first one...
I really need to travel more and get on some new obstacles, cause my trick list is in need of getting checked off...hopefully 2010 will do some work.
What riders do you think have had the most direct influences on your bike riding style?
Dave Freimuth, Rick Moliterno, Brian Vowell, Chase Gouin, and few more. All those guys went in their own direction which made me realize what can really happen if you stick with your own style.
Can you name any riders that you think are changing things, or pushing things in a creative sense?
Troy Merkle is always blowing my mind, Freimuth will always be doing something tech as hell, and there are a lot more to list. I love the direction BMX is going, people are getting their own style and sticking with it...
Outside of riding and multiple business' ventures in BMX, what would you say are your top priorities in life?
Family first, they set the mood or the way the day will be. Then there is running my business the way I feel necessary. The best thing about how I am living right now is everything I am doing is my way. No partners, no investors, nothing holding me back or telling me what to do. My priority is to stay true to myself and take what I know and have learned and apply it to making everything better for my family and my life.

What pass times, cultures, or activities outside of BMX have inspired you to do what you do?
Being a tourist is my favorite thing to do. When I travel without my bike, I just let the situation control what happens. Enjoy what effort people have made to make a certain destination the way it is. Enjoy food, try new activities, and go with your gut. My most favorite and interesting things I have done is jump out of a plane. To actually make the decision to jump and float is nothing you can describe.
Have you ever given much thought to the fact that you have ridden for, owned, or supported at least three, one word, four letter name companies, with 2 vowels, and 2 consonants in the name? Haro, Baco, Deco... What's next, Lego?
That is pretty good. People have mentioned that Deco is like Baco. I could make the names of the parts or shirts with four letter sit tight and I just might have a few more...
Are you going riding tonight, or what?
I am working the shop till 7. Then off to home cause tomorrow is a big day. Birthday party, work the shop, family dinner with entire family, then to another birthday party at the bar. Gonna ride Sunday night at the cement park in orlando, night sesh.
If you could say anything to the kids coming up in the BMX world, what would that be?
BMXers are not all millionaires. I am doing what i do cause that is what I want to do. Stay true to yourself and don't step on anyone going to where you want to be.
If you could only thank 3 people, who would that be?
Parents, wifey, and Dave Freimuth. (Editors note: Parents is two people, but I will not charge you or anything...)
Thanks Chad,
Thank you

A photo by Mr. Degroot, himself.
ha love the last photo