Ok, So I have given a lot of thought to the idea of bmx blogging. Having read a fair share of blogs pertaining directly to our collective love of the 20" formatted bicycle, I decided that if I am to blog about bmx, I should at least attempt to do so in a fashion that truly represents how I feel when riding, and/or discussing riding with others who enjoy bmxing.
This being said first, I intend to do a few things as a Bmx blogger this year. I actually made a little list:
1. I want to chronicle the lives of my friends in the Bmx communities here in LA, and worldwide alike. I want people to see how these friends in my circle live their individual lives, and how life is effected by the rituals and routines of Bmxing.
I hope to do interviews as often as possible, with little known riders and professionals alike, that are both insightful and unique in relation to "Bmx interviews" of past.
2. I want to do spot checks, sort of. I'd like to document places in Bmx, as if they were living entities or places of holy worship. I relate going to certain spots to ride, with other various other historically significant activities of being a human being.
3. I'd like the opportunity to have a sounding board. A place for expression of my personal love of Bmx. A place where I can be emotive or in angst of my quarrels from within, and just how Bmx has helped me time and again to turn to light and love of life. I'd like to share with you, exactly how Bmx makes me feel, and why I dedicate so much of my life to this simplistic (and at times, extremely intricate) art form called Bmx.
4. I want to have fun. A ton of god damned FUN!
Sometimes when I ride through the city, passing little known landmarks of bmx history, I can't help but feel like I am a traveler in a ancient religious capital city or mecca. I can see the markings of a secret society that I am truly apart of. These feelings are why I ride.
And when I dig in the dirt, I can feel the anguish of great battles from times passed. And I can imagine the pain of those who spilled their own blood, in respect and sacrifice to the religion of the 20". These feelings are why I ride.
-Erik E
Looking forward to 2010!
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