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You ever notice that all of the major bmx sites have the same content as each other?
Eric Hough BMX Bunny Hop from Dabooth Productions on Vimeo.
0600 hours. Thursday January 21, 2010.
Accompanying the dreary morning fog through rain soaked streets of ____ ____, Ca, I chanced upon a wrong turn that beheld a special gift of fortune. I had finally found a great spot for trails!
I ran eagerly through tall rain soaked grass, and after surveying glorious lands of promise proceeded directly to Home Depot, and for $10 an hour hired a very motivated HENRY to help me dig!
Rain, wind, lightning, thunder, mud, cold, even darkness of night could not stop the production. Finally, At 9pm we called it a day, and from atop my new territory I stood looking down at the birth of a new spot! My eyes followed the path down the steep speed track, across the smooth, level approach, and up the transition of the first powerful 7 foot lip, and I smiled with pride of great accomplishment.
Sore soaked filthy and exhausted I now sit beside the fireplace and collect on the days events. Conclusion? Can't wait to do it again tomorrow!
Long Live Creative Freestyle
-Eric Hough.
Eric has been working on a new spot in the heart of LA, just blocks from his house. Blocks from my house too, but I ain't saying jack shit about a location. If you know Eric, and you know how to dig, then pick up your phone.
-Erik E
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