Sunday, January 3, 2010

Austin Yesterday

Brian, Jon, Cody and I went to Austin yesterday for the day and rode T1 and ramp ranch. Monkey met us there as well. I just went to film but ended up riding way more than i should have. My shoulder's killing me today. T1 was fun. Cody fell pretty sweet on a tuck no hander transfer, and Brian had like a thousand close calls. then we went to Ramp Ranch... different story at ramp ranch. i hit a parking block that was in the middle of the skatepark and ate shit. cody hurt his knee flipping the box. Brian had a few little spills. Monkey just shredded, wreck free. Jon... Jon Jon Jon... we talked him into doing a flair in the foam off of a 3ft quarter. He ended up dislocating his ankle in the foam pit... i have the video to post later. willie's place is tight. taco bell's the best. Monkey's the shit. Joe Rich should be a dad. where da green at?

go ride.

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